Invest In Your Health

It’s Better than CBD

Copaiba Oil: A 100% Natural, stronger alternative to CBD oil and medical marijuana

Want to skip straight to the benefits?

The Buzz about CBD Oil

While the benefits of CBD oil are documented, many people look for an alternative.

The downside of CBD oil

  • Expensive
  • Many different kinds
  • Controversy because of ongoing legal questions
  • Weakened effects because of widespread adulteration
  • Dangers of synthetic versions and mass production
  • Stigma from association with marijuana & negative opinions about the drug culture

We all carry stress caused by trauma.

Is CBD oil the only answer?
Superfood, they say.  They’re calling it a “super-nutrient.”  You’ve heard this before. 

CBD oil is being added to everything from sports drinks to water to beer to sugarcoated gummie candies. You can buy bags of CBD-laced coffee, facial moisturizers, and pumpkin-flavored, gluten-free snacks for your non-cartoon dog.

People who use CBD oil seek all kinds of benefits, including pain relief, treatment for seizures, lower anxiety, a way to cope with ADD and ADHD, prevention of diabetes by regulating insulin levels, treatment for cancer, promotion of cardiovascular health, addiction recovery, and arthritis relief.  They might need treatment from sleepless nights, tremors, skin issues, irritability, chronic symptoms.  They’re looking to treat bronchitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, bladder infections & other urinary tract infections (UTIs), not to mention a reduction of liver damage caused by acetaminophens (like Tylenol).

They seek help for diseases that have a neuroinflammatory or neurodegenerative component, such as multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, stroke, inflammatory bowel diseases, liver cirrhosis, and osteoporosis. They are asking for a lot.

Can CBD oil deliver?

The silver bullet: bCP

BCP (Beta-caryophyllene)

The benefits most people seek from CBD Oil come from a compound called BCP (beta-caryophyllene), its most powerful ingredient. Copaiba oil contains more BCP than any kind of CBD oil.

Ever wonder why black pepper is so spicy?


Copaiba: $49

The benefits of



Wait, what is this stuff again?

BCP is a common and abundant natural chemical.  The U.S. FDA classifies BCP as “generally regarded as safe,” (GRAS), so large amounts can be safely consumed.  Natural BCP is apparently used by all living creatures.  It is found in all kinds of herbs, fruits, and vegetables, including, hops, mangoes, blueberries, pistachios, rosemary, and oranges.

Scientists recently discovered that BCP has wide, specific healing effects because it directly activates our bodies’ CB2 receptors.

CB2 receptors are found in immune tissues throughout the body and are increased in the brain during disease or following an injury. Their activation reduces inflammation, which lessens pain and reduces the damaging consequences that chronic inflammation has on muscle tissues, brain function, and risk for developing additional negative consequences.

Activating the body’s CB2 receptors plays a direct role in reducing pain, preventing seizures, and even decreases plaque buildup in the arteries.

Be careful.

BCP can be created artificially, in a lab.

We do not recommend using products containing synthetic, man-made beta-caryophyllene.

Pain Relief

Stimulates and upregulates the body’s natural endorphins. Reduces chronic pain, muscle spasms, and neuropathy.1,3

Relieves Anxiety

May reduce depression and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.2

Fights Obesity

Reduces adipogenesis (the formation of fatty tissues).  Helps with weight loss by activating PPAR-gamma on the genetic level.4


Inflammation is a natural reaction, but inflammatory diseases are literally a plague.  BCP is a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic.5

Promotes Bone Growth

Repairs age-related bone loss. Increases bone mineralization (beneficial for osteoporosis).6

Protects the gut

Helps with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  Repairs ulcers. Fights colitis.7


Supports healing of a leaky blood-brain barrier and inflammation.

Increases antioxidant levels in the brain.8

Improves Metabolism

Increases mitochondrial function.9

Relieves arthritis

BCP aids in improving arthritis, improving the swelling of joints, adrenals, and lymph nodes. 10

Improves stroke outcome

Can reduce swelling, brain damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction.11

Protects the heart

Helps reduce high levels of cholesterol.  Reduces stress to the heart.  Can suppress the development of atherosclerosis.12

Fights Endometriosis

A powerful anti-inflammatory, BCP has shown in animal studies to be a non-toxic therapeutic option for improving symptoms of endometriosis without affecting fertility.13

Protects the kidneys

By activating CB2 receptors, BCP may protect the kidneys from inflammation and oxidative stress.14

Inhibits tumor growth

BCP (CPO) can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and can induces apoptosis (self-destruction of the cancer cell) by suppressing PI3K, AKT, mTOR, and S6K1 and increasing MAPK.15

Aids with Chemotherapy and recovery

BCP increases the effectiveness of some chemotherapy drugs, such as paclitaxel.16
BCP can also help prevent of the excessive cell-toxic damage (such as reduction in white blood cells) from some chemotherapy drugs (for example, the antibiotic, Doxorubicin).16

We all want the most effective support.

Different sources contain different amounts of BCP.

Copaiba oil contains a higher amount than CBD oil from any source.

Quick Comparison – Source matters

Different oils contain different amounts of BCP.
CBD oil can come from hemp:
CBD oil can come from marijuana
Pure Copaiba Oil


0% to 5% active ingredient


0% to 30% active ingredient


55% to 70% active ingredient

Many CBD oils from marijuana also contain amounts of THC.  Enough that it might cause users to fail a drug test.

See the FAQ, below, for more info.


  • Less expensive and more effective than CBD oil
  • Powerful, abundant source of BCP (Beta-caryophyllene)
  • Proven, documented benefits
  • Pain relief17
  • Anti-inflammatory18
  • Antibacterial19

Discounts available (see the FAQ, below)

How do I use copaiba?

Can I overdose?

No.  There are no negative side effects, and if the body takes in more oil than it can use, it flushes the oil out, naturally.

Check out our FAQ, below, for more info on excellent questions like this one.

Listen to your body.
With either copaiba or CBD oil, doctors cannot prescribe a specific dose — there is no recommended daily allowance.

Because there isn’t a recommended dose, the info shared on this page should not be considered as medical advice.

Keep in mind one universal truth:

Everyone is different.

Your age, diet, weight, metabolism, genetics, and environment are only the beginning of what makes you unique.  Your personal journey will include experimentation.

Many people begin by rubbing the oil directly on a sore muscle, or taking two drops under their tongue when they feel a headache coming on.

Some people combine both CBD oil and copaiba as they explore ways to achieve the results they want.

Listen to your body.

Diffuse in the air

If you want to smell the Amazon rainforest, add it to your diffuser.

Breathing Copaiba directly into your lungs is one of the quickest ways to get it in your system.

Don’t have a diffuser handy?  Rub a few drops between your palms and inhale thru your nose and mouth.

Do that with your eyes closed & enjoy the smells of a rainforest.

Apply directly to skin

Use it “neat,” by itself.

Add it to your skin moisturizer.

Combine it with massage oil after a workout, before bed, or any time you feel your body tell you to.

under the tongue

Pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils can be safely taken internally. You can add Copaiba to water or milk, or put it in capsules yourself and take it like a vitamin.

Putting 2-4 drops under your tongue is one of the quickest ways to get an oil directly into your bloodstream, where it can do the most good.

the source

Deep in the heart of the Brazilian rainforest, the Copaiba tree is carefully harvested by “tapping,” similar to how maple trees are tapped. The resin is collected and then steam distilled, a process that delicately extracts the pure essential oil.  

Copaiba is a sustainable essential oil.  It can be harvested without harming the trees or the forest where they grow.


Finding Real Copaiba

essential oil anywhere in the United States is difficult.  Many companies sell copaiba “oil” that contains the entire resin, or is a distilled form of the leaf of the tree.

Unfortunately, these products don’t contain the high amounts of beta caryophyllene that is in our therapeutic grade copaiba essential oil.


You can see for yourself

if you are getting 100% pure Copaiba.

Our supplier is the only essential oil farming company in the world that allows complete access for anyone to the planting, harvesting, distillation, and bottling procedure.

They love visitors.  But take note:  When you show up at the farms, they may put you to work!


Quick facts about our source:

  • The largest essential oils company in the world, with their own farms
  • The oil is tested 45 times from seed all the way to the sealing of the bottle
  • The extraction method is chemical-free, low heat, low pressure (this preserves the effectiveness of the natural components)
  • Each bottle of Copaiba only contains pure oil, nothing else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this marijuana?

Copaiba is actually a legume, so it is closer to a black-eyed pea or a pinto bean.  Or even a lima bean.

Any chance this will make me fail a drug test?
No, but this is a great question.  

Many types of CBD oils contain small amounts of THC (as much as 3%).  This is enough to show up on a drug test.

Switching to copaiba removes all danger of failing a drug test.

Does this really work?
I had that same question, myself, once upon a time!

We think we’ve done a decent job of presenting and citing the science.

A few minutes on “The Google” should show you enough personal testimonials to give you an idea.

Comes down to it, everyone’s body is different, and you won’t know until you try it.

At such a low investment, we recommend you give it a try yourself.  You can always send it back if you don’t like it.

Will this give me a rash?
Using watered-down, adulterated, or hyper-inexpensive oils on the skin can sometimes cause a bad reaction—some users of cheap oils experience a measles-like rash.  (check out the descriptions in the 1-star ratings for some of the cheap “100% pure” Copaiba oils sold on Amazon). Stay away from inexpensive oils—the health benefits are extremely weak or nonexistent, and the synthetic chemicals added to them as fillers can actually be dangerous.

The oils enable the body to cleanse itself of toxins.  A very small percentage of oil users experience some mild discomfort the first time they use the oils, as their body is releasing more toxins than it is accustomed to.  It is very important to drink a lot of water when using any essential oil, to allow the body to properly flush out toxins.

If you want to take additional precautions, the first time you use a new oil, apply it to the bottoms of your feet and note how your body reacts.  If you have no adverse reaction after 20 minutes, your body will accept the oil.

Why don't doctors prescribe copaiba?
While they might recommend it if they are familiar with it, doctors cannot actually prescribe Copaiba or CBD oil, because there is no recommended daily allowance or universal dose for all people.

Also, most medical schools never cover this kind of therapy in their pharma courses, because the curriculum for drug-related classes is mostly focused on substances that can be patented.

Copaiba is a natural substance, and cannot be patented–that would be like trying to patent sunlight, or clean water.

Can I overdose on Copaiba?
No.  There are no negative side effects, and if the body takes in more oil than it can use, it flushes it out . . . the same way it flushes everything else out.  

It is important to drink a lot of water when using any essential oil, to allow the body to properly make use of the oil as well as carry out any toxins that the oil helps the body rid itself of.

Just don’t hit yourself in the head with the little glass bottle, and you should get along just fine.

Is this like other Essential Oils?
Yes.  Copaiba is a lot like Frankincense, and is often used in the same ways.
Does this come from hemp?

Copaiba is harvested from the sap of a tree in the Brazilian rainforest.

Ko-pah-ee-bah? Koo-puh-bah . . . what? How do you say it?
Funny word, isn’t it?  The original word is Portuguese and Brazilians pronounce it Ko-pah-ee-bah. The Spanish conquered most of the regions where these trees are found and change the pronunciation using their own style. In Spanish it is then pronounced Ko-pie-bah.

Then the British got involved, and since they felt a need to pronounce things differently than both the Portuguese and the Spanish, the British pronunciation for the same word became Ko-pay-bah.

All three are correct.  We go with the Brazilian pronunciation since it was their word start with, and we get it from their country.  (Thanks a bunch, Brazil!)

Can I use this on my dog? How about my cat?

Yes, to both questions.

Copaiba works well on pets.

Our cats love it.  Cats can be sensitive, so start with a small amount and don’t force anything (like you would force a cat, right?).  When introducing an oil like Copaiba to a cat, always leave a way for the cat to escape, or you may find yourself in need of additional medical assistance.

(Good thing you’ve got some Copaiba handy!)

Is copaiba physically addictive?
Based strictly on chemistry, the answer is no.  Copaiba is not physically addictive in the same way substances like cocaine, alcohol, heroin, and similar things are.

Also important: you will never suffer physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop enjoying Copaiba.

In fact, BCP is being studied for its ability to help people stop using drugs that have physical symptoms when you stop using them.

To be fair, humans can become psychologically addicted to just about anything (exercise, music, chocolate, gambling, Seinfeld, sex, food, etc.).

Why would I want this instead of medical marijuana or CBD oil?
Actually, some people use copaiba oil and CBD oil at the same time.  You’d be surprised.

People find Copaiba better for several reasons, besides the ones we’ve already mentioned in other places on this website (less expensive, more powerful, etc.)

  • No controversy, no legal issues
  • No stigma from being associated with the drug culture
  • No synthetics or dangerous chemicals
  • No adulteration

That last one is important.  There is currently not very much regulation in the CBD oil / medical marijuana world.

Even though most kinds of CBD oil claim to not contain THC (the psychoactive chemical that makes a person “high”), tests have shown that even “clean” CBD oils can contain as much as 3% THC.  Enough to make you fail a drug test.

THC is illegal in many parts of the world, and people who use cannabis as a medicine are increasingly demanding oils that are rich in BCP that are not psychoactive.

Many consider THC to be an inconvenience, simply because they want the positive effects & need to remain fully functional, without the impairments in judgment and performance that are caused by THC.

Copaiba is a perfect alternative to CBD oil.

What is your return policy?
If you are dissatisfied with your Copaiba Oil, you may return it according to the following guidelines:
  • Any unopened product within 30 days after shipment for a full refund in the same method of payment of the purchase price and applicable sales tax (less shipping charges).
  • Any opened product within 30 days after shipment for a credit on your account of the purchase price and applicable sales tax (less shipping charges).
  • Any opened or unopened product up to 90 days after shipment for a credit on your account of the purchase price and applicable sales tax (less shipping charges and a 10% handling fee). The credit applied for opened product will be based on the percentage of the product returned. For example, if you return 50% of a product, then a credit of 50% (less shipping charges and a 10% handling fee) will be applied to your account.

We reserve the right to review each return or exchange on a case-by-case basis.

Can I get a discount? Please?

Ah, the best question of all!

Yes.  Yes, you can.  Anybody can go on paying the full retail price, but we deeply believe that everyone deserves the blessings of essential oils in their home.

If you would like to get a 24% discount on all purchases (including other essential oils), please contact us here.

Or, you can join us for a 30-minute free introduction to essential oils and products that are infused with essential oils. 

We can show you a way to get your oil for free, just by letting us share this info with other people.

Seriously, good question.

Featured Products

Invest in a 15ml bottle of copaiba today.

Ingredients:  100% pure, therapeutic-grade Copaifera Officinalis (balsam copaiba) resin.

Your bottles will be shipped to you sealed from the facility where they were distilled and bottled.

Click the image below to try Copaiba today!

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Share your email with us and we’ll send you more information, including videos, how-to’s, and info you can share with the people you love.

Sources Cited

selected research

We encourage you to research copaiba and explore it for yourself.

The articles cited here are a few of the excellent research online regarding this amazing alternative to CBD oil.

Historical Copaiba

The use of Copaiba resin by the natives of the Amazon, South America, and even the Mayans has been documented since the 16th century. Its use probably goes back much further. In Brazil, healers used it for healing sore throats, tonsil infections, bronchitis, and many other inflammatory disorders.

Amazonian healers known as curanderos traditionally used Copaiba resin for pain relief, for its anti-inflammatory benefits, and for wound healing. They also used it as an antiseptic for the urinary tract and for the treatment of cystitis and bladder infections.19 

Confusion and controversy around CBD oil

Bellville, Russ. “DEA: CBD Oil Is Not ‘Legal in All 50 States’,” High Times.

  1. BCP for pain relief

Klauke AL, Racz I, Pradier B, Markert A, Zimmer AM, Gertsch J, Zimmer A. “The cannabinoid CB₂ receptor-selective phytocannabinoid beta-caryophyllene exerts analgesic effects in mouse models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain.”  Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Apr;24(4):608-20. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.10.008. Epub 2013 Oct 22. Link:

  1. BCP fights anxiety and depression

Amine Bahi, Shamma Al Mansouri, Elyazia Al Memari, Mouza Al America, Syed M Nurulain, Shreesh Ojha. “β-Caryophyllene, a CB2 receptor agonist produces multiple behavioral changes relevant to anxiety and depression in mice,” Physiology and Behaviour, 12 April 2014.  Link:

  1. BCP helps with muscle spasms

Sadraei H, Asghari G, Alipour M. “Anti-spasmodic assessment of hydroalcoholic extract and essential oil of aerial part of Pycnocycla caespitosa Boiss. & Hausskn on rat ileum contractions.”  Res Pharm Sci. 2016 Jan-Feb;11(1):33-42.  Link:

  1. BCP fights obesity10

Yamaguchi, Masayoshi and Levy, Robert M.  “β-Caryophyllene promotes osteoblastic mineralization, and suppresses osteoclastogenesis and adipogenesis in mouse bone marrow cultures in vitro.” Exp Ther Med. 2016 Dec; 12(6): 3602–3606.  Published online 2016 Oct 18. doi:  [10.3892/etm.2016.3818] Link:

  1. BCP as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic; protects cells lining the digestive tract

A.-L. Klauke, I. Racz, B. Pradier, A. Markert, A.M. Zimmer, J. Gertsch, A. Zimmer. “The cannabinoid CB2 receptor-selective phytocannabinoid beta-caryophyllene exerts analgesic effects in mouse models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain,”European Neuropsychopharamcology, April 2014, Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 608–620.  Link:

  1. BCP promotes bone growth

Shan J, Chen L, Lu K. “Protective effects of trans-caryophyllene on maintaining osteoblast function.” IUBMB Life. 2017 Jan;69(1):22-29. doi: 10.1002/iub.1584. Link:

  1. BCP’s role in protecting the gut

Allisson Freire Bento, Rodrigo Marcon, Rafael Cypriano Dutra, Rafaela Franco Claudino, Maíra Cola, Daniela Ferraz Pereira Leite, and João B. Calixto. “β-Caryophyllene Inhibits Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis in Mice through CB2 Receptor Activation and PPARγ Pathway.” Am J Pathol. 2011 Mar; 178(3): 1153–1166. doi:  [10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.11.052]


María Elena Sánchez-Mendoza, , Leticia Cruz-Antonio, María Guadalupe Cupido-Sánchez, Guillermo García Castillo, Jesús Arrieta. “Gastroprotective activity of caryophyllene oxide: the role of nitric oxide, prostaglandins and sulfhydryls.” Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 4 (09), pp. 001-005, September, 2014. Link:

  1. BCP as a neuroprotective

Adriano Guimarães-Santos, Diego Siqueira Santos, Ijair Rogério Santos, Rafael Rodrigues Lima, Antonio Pereira, Lucinewton Silva de Moura, Raul Nunes Carvalho, Jr., Osmar Lameira, Walace Gomes-Leal. “Copaiba Oil-Resin Treatment Is Neuroprotective and Reduces Neutrophil Recruitment and Microglia Activation after Motor Cortex Excitotoxic Injury”. Evidence-based Complement Alternative Medicine. 2012; 2012: 918174.  Published online 2012 Feb 19. doi: [10.1155/2012/918174]. Link:

  1. BCP improves metabolism

Chaudhary N, Pfluger PT. “Metabolic benefits from Sirt1 and Sirt1 activators.”  Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 Jul;12(4):431-7. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e32832cdaae.  Link:

  1. BCP relieves arthritis

Vijayalaxmi A, Vasudha Bakshi and Nazia Begum. “Anti-Arthritic And Anti Inflammatory Activity Of Beta Caryophyllene Against Freund’s Complete Adjuvant Induced Arthritis In Wistar Rats.” Journal of Bone Research and Reports.  Link:

Jean Legault. “Iso- Caryophyllene Cytotoxicity Induced by Lipid Peroxidation and Membrane Permeabilization in L- 929 Cells.” Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8: 25-31. (2013

  1. BCP may improve stroke outcome

Qian Zhang, Ruidi An, Xiaocui Tian, Mei Yang, Minghang Li, Jie Lou, Lu Xu, Zhi Dong. “β-Caryophyllene Pretreatment Alleviates Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Activating PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway.” Neurochem Res (2017) 42: 1459.  Published by Springer US, Revised 28 January 2017. Link:

Chang HJ, Kim JM, Lee JC, Kim WK, Chun HS. “Protective effect of β-caryophyllene, a natural bicyclic sesquiterpene, against cerebral ischemic injury.” J Med Food. 2013 Jun;16(6):471-80. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2012.2283. Epub 2013 Jun 4.  Link:

  1. BCP protects the heart

Baldissera MD, Souza CF, Grando TH, Stefani LM, Monteiro SG. “β-caryophyllene reduces atherogenic index and coronary risk index in hypercholesterolemic rats: The involvement of cardiac oxidative damage.” Chem Biol Interact. 2017 May 25;270:9-14. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2017.04.008. Epub 2017 Apr 12. Link:

  1. BCP fights endometriosis

Abbas MA, Taha M, Zihlif M, Disi A. “β-Caryophyllene causes regression of endometrial implants in a rat model of endometriosis without affecting fertility”.  Eur J Pharmacol. 2013 Feb 28;702(1-3):12-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.01.011. Epub 2013 Jan 23.  Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Amman 19328, Jordan.  Link:

  1. BCP protects the kidneys

Horváth B, Mukhopadhyay P, Kechrid M, Patel V, Tanchian G, Wink DA, Gertsch J, Pacher P. “β-Caryophyllene ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in a cannabinoid 2 receptor-dependent manner.” Free Radic Biol Med. 2012 Apr 15;52(8):1325-33. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.01.014. Epub 2012 Jan 31. Link:

  1. BCP inhibiting tumor growth

Jung JI, Kim EJ, Kwon GT, Jung YJ, Park T, Kim Y, Yu R, Choi MS, Chun HS, Kwon SH, Her S, Lee KW, Park JH1. “β-Caryophyllene potently inhibits solid tumor growth and lymph node metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells in high-fat diet-induced obese C57BL/6N mice”.  Carcinogenesis. 2015 Sep;36(9):1028-39. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv076. Epub 2015 May 29. Link:

Park KR, Nam D, Yun HM, Lee SG, Jang HJ, Sethi G, Cho SK, Ahn KS. “β-Caryophyllene oxide inhibits growth and induces apoptosis through the suppression of PI3K/AKT/mTOR/S6K1 pathways and ROS-mediated MAPKs activation.” Cancer Lett. 2011 Dec 22;312(2):178-88. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2011.08.001. Epub 2011 Aug 26. Link:

  1. BCP increases the effectiveness of some chemotherapy drugs and prevent damage as a side effect of chemotherapy drugs

Legault J, Pichette A. “Potentiating effect of beta-caryophyllene on anticancer activity of alpha-humulene, isocaryophyllene and paclitaxel”. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2007 Dec;59(12):1643-7. Laboratoire LASEVE, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada.  Link:

Alves JM, Munari CC, de Azevedo Bentes Monteiro Neto M, Furtado RA, Senedese JM, Bastos JK, Tavares DC. “In vivo protective effect of Copaifera langsdorffii hydroalcoholic extract on micronuclei induction by doxorubicin.” J Appl Toxicol. 2013 Aug;33(8):854-60. doi: 10.1002/jat.2777. Epub 2012 May 19. Link:


  1. Copaiba for pain relief

Gomes NM, Rezende CM, Fontes SP, Matheus ME, Fernandes PD. “Antinociceptive activity of Amazonian Copaiba oils”. J Ethnopharmacol. 109: 486–92. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2006.08.018. PMID 17029841.  Link:

  1. Copaiba as an anti-inflamatory

Veiga Junior VF, Rosas EC, Carvalho MV, Henriques MG, Pinto AC.  “Chemical composition and anti-inflammatory activity of copaiba oils from Copaifera cearensis Huber ex Ducke, Copaifera reticulata Ducke and Copaifera multijuga Hayne–a comparative study.”

PMID: 17446019.  Link:

  1. Copaiba as an antibacterial

Vieira RGL, Moraes TDS, Silva LO1, Bianchi TC, Veneziani RCS, Ambrósio SR, Bastos JK, Pires RH, Martins CHG. “In vitro studies of the antibacterial activity of Copaifera spp. oleoresins, sodium hypochlorite, and peracetic acid against clinical and environmental isolates recovered from a hemodialysis unit.”  PMID: 29410782 PMCID: PMC5782372 DOI: 10.1186/s13756-018-0307-3. Link:

Copaiba historical research

20. Clark, Marnie.  “The Best Anti-Cancer Essential Oil You’ve Never Heard Of?” The Truth About Cancer.  July 2016.